Why You Need Life Insurance Now

While life insurance can seem confusing and complicated, it’s an important protection to have to ensure your loved ones and family members don’t face financial hardship if something should happen to you.

When researching life insurance, it is vital that you assess your current financial situation and the needs of your dependents or survivors. Owning a life insurance policy will help loved ones meet any financial needs that your income would have covered otherwise.

If you’re looking for guidance while navigating the world of life insurance in Chicago, IL, Arial Insurance Group is here for you. We have the knowledge and expertise to help you make the right choice for your family.

Don’t Put Off Getting Life Insurance 

Because it can be overwhelming, many people procrastinate selecting a life insurance policy because they’d rather not deal with it. We highly advise you to take the time to do your due diligence and find the policy that fits your needs now and that will take care of your family when you no longer can. 

Is there anything more important than your family’s financial stability? Certainly not. 

Policyholders can design their policy with the guarantee that it covers all potential future expenses that their dependents may require. It’s understandable to feel uncomfortable when trying to plan ahead like this, but it’s worth knowing your loved ones will be secure.

Even if you don’t have dependents, it’s still an advantageous option to have life insurance so it can help cover end-of-life costs for family members.

For residents of Chicago, IL, Arial Insurance Group is passionate about helping people choose the right life insurance coverage. Contact us today for more information, and we’ll get you on the path to long-term peace of mind. 

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Is Your Auto Insurance Right For You? Here’s How to Tell

Your auto insurance policy should do everything within its power to cover your needs as a car owner. However, we at Arial Insurance Group know that many Chicago, IL drivers may be uncertain of whether their policy is right for them. So here are a few questions you need to ask to know for sure.

Does It Cover Your Needs?

Auto insurance should provide you with a myriad of protection types, each of which is specifically suited for your needs. However, many people end up frustrated with their policy if it does not cover everything that they want. So pay attention to things like:

  • Liability
  • Collision coverage
  • Protection from mechanical failure
  • The dangers of low-insurance drivers

These problems are particularly potent in Chicago, which has an extensive range of drivers that may cause many issues. As a result, you may want to talk to your provider to learn more about whether it’s time to upgrade.

When Is It Time to Upgrade?

It’s likely time to change your insurance policy if you don’t believe its coverage meets your needs. For example, you may have a policy that handles basic collision but does not cover liability concerns. On the other hand, in a big city like Chicago, you need the policy to pay for accident coverage.

Just as importantly, you may want to upgrade your policy if you have anyone else on it, such as your children, and you find that their needs are not being met. For example, young teens often need specialized policy coverage.

Who Can Help?

If you think it’s time to change your auto insurance policy in Chicago, IL, please contact us at Arial Insurance Group to learn more. We will do what we can to help insure your vehicle with a policy that works for you.

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What are the Benefits of Commercial Insurance?

Pause for a moment, and think about all the hard work you have put into your Chicago, IL business. Consider the resources, time, and dedication you have injected into your business to make it successful. It’s significant, right? For these reasons, you need commercial insurance from Arial Insurance Group to safeguard your investment.

Unfortunately, many business owners overlook commercial insurance to save some money. However, this trend can sink your hard-earned venture when the unthinkable strikes. If you have been having second thoughts about business insurance, here are the reasons you need commercial insurance. 

Boosts the credibility of your business

Most clients like dealing with reputable and credible businesses. And one way for confirming your credibility is to check whether you have commercial insurance. Business insurance is evidence that it’s safe to conduct business with you.

Protects your employees

Your employees are the most invaluable assets of your business. For this reason, it makes sense to protect them optimally with commercial insurance. Workers’ comp insurance covers your employees’ medical expenses for illnesses and injuries sustained in the workplace. Besides, this coverage pays for final expenses and partial loss of income where the employee can’t work due to disability.

Protects you against disabilities

If you live in America, you know your business faces litigations right, left, and center. Lawsuits could emanate from disgruntled employees. Besides, you could face legal charges from bodily injury and property damage you cause to third parties. Without liability coverage, you would have to incur out-of-pocket expenses to meet legal costs. 

Protects your assets

Can you imagine the amount of loss you would incur if fire, hail, and other calamities were to strike your business? Starting from your building to assets like computers, furniture, and inventories, not many businesses can survive a significant blow to their assets without commercial insurance. 

Protect your business today!

Would you like to protect your Chicago, IL business with commercial insurance? Please contact Arial Insurance Group for a personalized quote. 

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When do property owners need to have home insurance in Chicago?

Chicago, IL continues to be one of the most vibrant and populated cities in the country. There are always people looking to move here to enjoy the great professional options and variety of recreational amenities. Anyone who is planning to move to Chicago should think about buying their own home as there are plenty of long-term advantages that come with homeownership. If you buy property here, you will need to maintain the proper insurance for a few reasons.

When Taking Out a Mortgage

A common situation when having a home insurance plan will be required when you are going to take out a mortgage. If you are going to finance your home, the mortgage lender will always want to know that your property is covered with insurance. In almost all cases, this will include approving your initial policy before close and then having you escrow your payments each month. 

When Trying to Protect Home

Even if you do not have a mortgage or insurance requirements, an Illinois property owner still needs to have home insurance to protect themselves adequately. The best way this can be done is with home insurance. It will protect the dwelling, give personal liability protection, and protect your personal assets up to your policy limit. 

Property owners in Chicago, IL need to carry home insurance at all times. If you assess your insurance needs in this area, speaking with Arial Insurance Group can be a great decision. There are many choices to make when looking for coverage, and Arial Insurance Group can ensure you understand your needs and options. This can help ensure you and your property are fully covered with insurance.

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Condo Insurance FAQs

Condos are a popular housing option in Chicago. They are an affordable way to break into the housing market. Condos give the benefits of homeownership and often provide other appealing amenities. When it comes to insurance, condo insurance shares many aspects with home insurance but has its differences. Arial Insurance Group in Chicago, IL offers outstanding service, and our team knows to provide our customers with the answer they are looking for.

Doesn’t my condo association have insurance on my condo? 

Yes, the condo association does have a master policy. A master policy covers the common areas owned by all the owners, and it also covers the exterior portions of the building. It provides coverage for the building and also liability coverage for public and common areas. While this is valuable protection, it doesn’t do a lot for you and your personal possessions inside your unit. It is important you make yourself aware of the exact coverage the master policy provides and how deeply the coverage goes into your unit. 

What kinds of coverage does condo insurance offer? 

The main types of coverage condo insurance provide are:

  • Liability coverage
  • Contents
  • Loss of use

Liability coverage protects you from legal actions that may be taken against you when someone is injured at your home or by a family member. It will pay for a judgment against you up to the limit of your policy. 

Contents coverage pays to replace or repair your possessions. It can be actual cash value or replacement costs. 

Loss of use provides the money you need to find a place to stay while your condo is not habitable due to a covered peril. 

Am I required to carry condo insurance? 

In Chicago, IL, you are not required to have condo insurance unless you have a mortgage, and then your lender will require it. 

Contact Arial Insurance Group in Chicago, IL, when you’re in the market for condo insurance.

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Hidden Health Insurance Facts To Be Aware Of

Arial Insurance Group helps Chicago, IL residents find the coverage they need to protect what matters most. We strive to establish long-lasting relationships with our clients. We work with multiple carriers across the Midwest to give our clients a wide variety of options.

Hidden Health Insurance Facts

Health insurance helps you take care of yourself. The policy covers emergency visits and preventative care measures such as routine checkups with your primary care physician. Health insurance also covers your prescription medications if your doctor recommends that you take something to feel better. As you research different types of coverage, pay attention to these hidden health insurance facts.

Alternative Treatment

Your health insurance policy may include coverage for alternative forms of treatment. The recent technological advancements have led to the creation of several innovative treatment methods. Your health insurance may cover massage therapy, acupuncture, and chiropractic visits as part of your rehabilitation.  

Mental Health Coverage

Mental health has become a hot topic of discussion. You can amend your health insurance policy to cover treatment if you are dealing with mental health issues, such as bipolar disorder. You can also add mental health checkups as part of your preventative care.


Your health insurance policy may include incentives for striving to live a healthy lifestyle. For example, your policy may include incentives for becoming a member of a local Chicago, IL gym. If you have a weight loss goal that you would like to reach or set up a plan to stop smoking, you can outline those goals in your policy.

Arial Insurance Group Will Help You Find The Right Coverage

Visit our website today to learn more information about health insurance.

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What Type Of Life Insurance Is the Best?

You have car insurance for your car and homeowners’ insurance for your house. What about your life? Have you protected yourself? It only makes sense to get life insurance to take care of your life and that of your loved ones. 

Are you wondering how to go about life insurance in Chicago, IL? Arial Insurance Group is ready to give a helping hand by providing you with everything you need to know.

Why Do You Need Life Insurance?

Life insurance is a long-term financial plan that everyone needs to pay close attention to. 

Imagine what would happen if you’re the caregiver in your family and suddenly you die? How would life be like for the family members left behind? Would your children continue getting the same quality of life as when you were alive?

These are pertinent issues that need to cross your mind as you evaluate the advantages of purchasing life insurance. 

Life insurance will support your loved ones financially after you’re gone— this is the single most important reason you need to buy life insurance. But what type of life insurance do you need? Let’s look at a few coverages.

  • Term life insurance: This is the most common type of life insurance. It pays the people you choose as beneficiaries a fixed amount of money if you die. However, the money is only available if you die in the course of the term. 
  • Permanent life insurance: This coverage tries to hit two birds with one stone. Offer your beneficiaries income and be a savings account at the same time. As a saving account, this policy is called cash value. It means that you deposit money regularly and can access it as you wish. Unlike term life insurance, it doesn’t expire. 
  • Whole life insurance: This coverage is still meant to pay your beneficiaries after you die, but it has a cash value element. A percentage of your premiums will count as cash value. 

Other life insurance policies include universal life insurance, variable universal life insurance, and joint life insurance. 

Protect Your Loved Ones with Life Insurance

If you’re yet to buy life insurance, then the right time to do it is now! For residents of Chicago, IL, Arial Insurance Group is ready to help you choose the right life insurance coverage. Contact us today for more information.

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Ensuring your Vehicle is Properly Covered

When it comes to obtaining auto insurance, you must have, at least, liability insurance to legally drive your vehicle. However, this auto insurance typically does not cover your vehicle and bodily injury if you get in an auto accident. It only covers the other party’s auto repair, medical costs, and more if you are at-fault in the accident. Having said that, there are more types of auto insurance coverage you can have, and the following includes the six common types of auto insurance protection: 

1. Bodily Injury Liability

This insurance coverage is for the policyholder and family members’ injuries. 

2. Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

This insurance coverage is for the driver and passengers’ injuries of the policyholder’s vehicle. It typically covers lost wages, medical payments, and even funeral costs.

3. Property Damage Liability

This insurance coverage is for damage to another party’s property caused by policyholders or someone permitted to drive the policyholders’ vehicle. 

4. Collision

This insurance coverage is for damage to the policyholder’s vehicle due to a collision from another vehicle, vehicle flipping over, or an object. It does not matter who was at-fault with this coverage.  

5. Comprehensive

This insurance coverage is for damage not caused by a collision, such as riots, vandalism, windstorms, earthquakes, floods, and animal contact. 

6. Underinsured and Uninsured Motorist Coverage

This covers auto damage and bodily harm due to an underinsured or uninsured motorist. 

As previously mentioned, these are common types of auto insurance. Other types of coverage include rental car reimbursement, gap insurance, accident forgiveness insurance, and more.

For more information about auto insurance, contact Arial Insurance Group today. Located in Lincolnshire, a northern suburb of Chicago, IL, the agents at Arial Insurance Group have over 30 years of auto insurance experience in Chicago, IL, and surrounding areas. Thus, you will be in good hands with this agency. Contact them today.

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I’m a small business owner. Do I really need commercial insurance?

If you’re a small business owner, you may question whether or not you should invest in commercial insurance. The Arial Insurance Group of Chicago, IL understands that small business owners may not understand commercial insurance’s true benefits. As a result, we’re invested in creating understanding and guiding small business owners in making this choice. 

Commercial Insurance Benefits

You aren’t required by law to carry Public liability insurance. However, it benefits businesses of all sizes, even home-based businesses. This insurance protects you and your employees if something happens to cause harm or damage to third parties as a result of your products or services. This includes bodily injury or property damage. However, you could be penalized if you don’t carry workers’ comp coverage, and one of your employees gets hurt at your place of business. Your workers won’t receive benefits if you don’t invest in public liability insurance. The worker’s compensation board could fine you in your state if you don’t have workers comp for your employees. 

Other Considerations…

It’s safe to say that all businesses can benefit from some form of insurance. The types of coverage needed will vary from business to business. This is primarily because businesses vary in terms of the type of business, sector, industry, and business size. It’s best to work with an insurance agent to create a commercial policy that suits your business’s unique needs. We want to help you get the coverage needed to meet your business’s needs, regardless of the size of your business. Give us a call; we want to help guide your decisions as you look for the best coverage for your small business.

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How Can Home Insurance Protect My Neighborhood?

When you think of home insurance in Chicago, IL, it likely seems like a personal matter. You purchase a home insurance policy that goes toward your property. Everyone else in the neighborhood does the same, making it an individual choice. Yet, what you do can affect your larger community, and choosing a better home insurance policy can change things for the better. Arial Insurance Group is here to explain. 

Eyes on the Prize 

How you take care of your home makes a difference to everyone. When you take pride in your property, it’s not just the neighbors that notice. A broken window or fallen down porch can signal the wrong people that no one is paying attention to the block. It can give them the idea that it’s easy to infiltrate the homes there. Home insurance helps you make the necessary repairs, so there’s less chance of people making the wrong assumptions. 

Property Values 

The more everyone pitches in to take care of their property in Chicago, IL, the better the property values will be for all. This is financial protection that can help everyone feel more secure in their investment. You clearly can’t control how other people take care of their home, but leading by example is a good way to influence those who might be tempted toward neglect. Again, home insurance is often the measure through which people wind up keeping their property in better shape. 

Arial Insurance Group is here to help everyone in the city, not just our customers. We don’t want to see any blocks start to lose their luster. If you have questions about how we can help you, contact us to inquire about our policies and values. We also can help you with your insurance needs in Arkansas.

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